Strong Financial Systems

I was speaking to a business owner recently and they shared with me how they were struggling with their financial reports.

Here were some of the issues they were struggling with:

• it was taking too long to prepare information

• Reports were infrequent, and

• When the reports did come in on time, the data was unreliable so pretty much useless for making sound business decisions.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Well, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Now imagine if

• Your data collection is automated,

• You get clean reliable data every single time, and

• You can view your monthly financials 5 days after the end of each month, so you can make smart and timely decisions with great data

Which scenario would you prefer?

The latter I am guessing. Because I know that everything changes for you once you get your financial systems in order. So I have created a simple checklist for you to gauge how well you are doing in the area of financial management. You can download it here: (no email required)

I know how good it feels once everything makes sense and you're filled with confidence about your numbers.



How to get your financial house in order


A CFO is your business planner and executer